So, I am apparently pretty bad at this whole blogging thing. Part of my New Year's resolutions was to try to be better about posting, and yet here I am, half way February, and I haven't posted once. Who says New Year's resolutions have to start in January?!
Kaiya is 7 months old! I can't believe that it's already been 7 months since she joined our family. She has changed so much in such a short period of time. She started eating solids Christmas Day, avocado was her first taste of real food. We've been taking it slow because we really want to breastfeed for at least a year, but she LOVES food. As soon as the bowl comes out, she starts making a grunting noise and gets mad if you don't give it to her fast enough.So far her favorites are peas, butternut squash, sweet potato, zucchini, apples, and apricots. Really though, there hasn't been much that she hasn't really liked.
It was also around Christmas that she started sitting up unassisted. She loves to sit on her play mat with her toys and can maneuver things between both hands pretty well.
There are lots of new sounds coming out her mouth, but her first real word sound was...Mama!!! I was pretty excited and couldn't wait to tell Doug as soon as he got home, okay rub it in is more like it. But lately we've been hearing Dada and Baba a lot too, so now everyone is happy.
Last week she started to do the army crawl and gets a little further every day before getting tired. Needless to say we've already started baby proofing and know that any day now, the baby gates will be going up. I don't know if Rafiki is ready for a mobile Kaiya, but he better get ready because it's happening fast.
Kaiya loves the water and just finished her first session of swimming lessons. Swimming lessons for a 7 month old?! It's really just to get her comfortable with being in the water. It's a lot of singing and splashing, but she does go under and does just fine. I think we might have an Olympic swimmer in the making!
Doug is still enjoying his job at AAA, but wishes that he had more time at home with his girls. We cherish our weekends and Friday has become a favorite because it means that we have two "Daddy stay home days" to look forward to. I have been blessed to stay home with Kaiya for 7 months, but the time has come to get back out into the work world and find a part time job. We're still hoping that I can find a child to watch here at the house so that we don't have to put Kaiya into a day or home care, but nothing has jumped out and it looks like it may not be an option for us at this time.
I think that just about catches up on life in Reynolds home! Until next time!
1 week |
2 weeks |
3 weeks |
4 weeks (not actually 1 month yet) |
5 weeks |
6 weeks |
This picture pretty much sums up what week 7 was like |
8 weeks |
Kaiya took her first trip on an airplane at 9 weeks. We went to New Jersey for cousin Steve and Katie's wedding |
10 weeks |
11 weeks |
12 weeks |
13 weeks |
14 weeks |
15 weeks |
16 weeks |
17 weeks |
18 weeks |
19 weeks |
20 weeks Thanksgiving Day |
21 weeks |
22 weeks |
24 weeks (Mommy brain missed 23 weeks) |
25 weeks |
26 weeks |
27 weeks |
28 weeks |
29 weeks |
One day shy of 32 weeks Happy Valentine's Day! |
30 weeks |
31 weeks |
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