Time flies when you're having fun! It's been a busy month and I just realized it's been awhile since I've updated here.
About 3 weeks ago we found out that our darling daughter is sitting in the breech position. She's actually what's called transverse breech, which means she's laying more side to side than up and down. I had about 2 weeks to try and flip her on my own, so I was going to the chiropractor and trying some breech stretches and exercises at home to encourage her to move head down....it didn't work. We had the option to try a procedure called an external cephalic version, where the doctor basically man handles your stomach to move the baby along. There are a few possible complications that come along with the procedure, and in the end Doug and I decided that the risks outweighed the benefit and she was breech for a reason, so we left her alone. There is still a chance that she will flip on her own before her arrival, so I'm continuing to do my exercises at home and we're keeping our fingers are crossed for that. If she decides to stay put we will be scheduling a c-section for the first week of July, although I could still go into labor before then. At this point it's basically a waiting game.
I hit 37 weeks last week and am officially considered full term, yay!! I also started my maternity leave this week, double yay!! I've been washing clothes and organizing the nursery getting ready for Kaiya's arrival and I get more excited with each passing day. In honor of being full term, I thought it would be fun to share some pictures of the progression of the belly. So here we go:
14 weeks |
18 weeks |
20 weeks, halfway! |
24 weeks |
28 weeks |
30 weeks |
33 weeks |
36 weeks |
37 weeks, full-term!!! |